River Corner Church
River Corner Church is a growing church community of everyday people who gather to worship God, follow Jesus, and journey through life together.
Our small church community is uniquely caring, simple, laid-back, and intergenerational. As a church, we want to be a welcoming, safe, and healing community for those who are seeking, hurting, or need a place to belong. Our practices are both contemplative (reflective) and charismatic (Spirit-driven), creating an atmosphere that is both conversational and informative. The times we share are intentional and intimate, and a mix between modern and traditional. We want to be a place in which love and honor are lived out, where humility is central, and where hospitality is woven into the threads of our community. There is room at the table.
There is room at the table.
You are invited to gather with us on Sunday mornings at 10 AM. To connect with our growing church community download our Church Center App or visit us online at www.rivercornerchurch.com. River Corner Church is located at 524 River Corner Road in Conestoga, PA.
River Corner Church
Advent Conspiracy: Give More (Luke 1:18-25)
Our Advent Conspiracy series is inviting you to be part of a different story this Christmas, one that celebrates our King and brings hope to the watching world.
The Advent Conspiracy series was founded on the radical idea that we can celebrate Christmas humbly, beautifully, and generously. Advent is the story of a wondrous moment when God entered our world to make things right. It is the greatest story ever told and it changes everything—including the way we celebrate Christmas.
This third week of our Advent Conspiracy series, Jeff McLain challenges us to give more of our presence as we look at the story of Joseph and how he models for us obedience, surrender, and interruptibility.
- WORSHIP FULLY Christmas begins and ends with Jesus.
- SPEND LESS Free up your resources to support things that truly matter.
- GIVE MORE Give more intentionally and relationally.
- LOVE ALL Radically love others like Jesus did.
River Corner Church is a growing church community of everyday people who gather to worship God, follow Jesus, and journey through life together. We gather on Sunday mornings, at 10:00 AM, at 524 River Corner Road in Conestoga, Pennsylvania. Learn more about our growing church community online through our website (www.rivercornerchurch.com) or our Facebook (www.facebook.com/RiverCornerChurch).
We invite you to gather with us on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM.
You are welcome to come as you are, just be you. As a community of everyday people, we want to be a people who live and love like Jesus in the places we live, work, and play.
If you have a question about something you heard in this message, or you want to learn more about our growing church community, visit us online at www.rivercornerchurch.com.